Promise Day 2023 | Happy Promise Day Quotes, Messages and Images

Promise Day takes place on day five of Valentine’s Week celebration. It is celebrated on February 11. It is generally a progression in a relationship because first comes the Proposal of love, then comes the wooing part with gifts and other stuffs. As things turn serious, promises are made to stay with each other and take care of each other. Promises are very important to preserve a relationship. Such meaningful promises and their dedication to each other strengthens their relationship forever. It is one of the best days of Valentine week which gives people an opportunity to make their beloved or partner feel loved and special.

How to Celebrate the Day

This promise day, make meaningful promises to your beloved and make them realize that you can be trusted with all their heart. Below are the Promise day Quotes, Messages and Wishes which you can send to your beloved ones which are as follows :

Promise Day Messages

I promise to love you more with each passing day! Thanks for being in my life.

*I can’t promise that I will fix all your problems. But I promise that we will deal with them together, always.

*Hold my hand and I promise I’ll never let you go. Happy Promise Day dear!

*I promise that I’ll never make you feel alone. Happy Promise Day!

*Trust, loyalty, faith, & commitment define our relationship. I promise I’ll always be loyal towards you. Happy Promise Day!!!

*It is only love, love and love that I want to give to you. Forever & ever!!! Happy Promise Day!

*Whether we fight, whether there are misunderstandings, or whether there is something else between us, we promise that we tolerate it & never break our ties. Happy Promise Day!?

*When you need me the most, I will always be there for you. This is my promise!!!

I promise to treat you like a queen, because you are one. Happy Promise Day, beloved.

I can’t imagine a life without you in it,
I want to grow old with you,
Let’s spend the rest of our lives together.
Happy Promise Day!
Holding hands together, with joy and happiness, loving each other, knowing more, into deep love, expressing feelings is what makes a beautiful promise to your partner.

Maybe I’m too late to be your first. But right now, I’m preparing myself to be your last. I promise. Happy Promise Day love!

“Love makes no demands and has no expectations – just sincerity and trust! Happy Promise Day.”

I promise that you will be my only face and soul, you will be my heart without whom I could not live.

More than moon, I want you. More than water, I want you. More than roses, I want you. And more than me I want you. Happy Promise Day.

Meeting you was luck, becoming lovers was destiny. Loving you is faith and commitment to each other. Happy Promise Day!

I can’t promise to solve all your problems, but I can promise, that I will never let you face the problems alone. Happy Promise Day my life!

We met it was luck, we talked it was chance, we became friends it was destiny, we are still friends it is faith, we will always befriend its a promise.

My Dear sweet love, I promise you that, I would always love you from my heart, Without ego, without intention, And care you without expectations. Happy Promise Day!

Genuine promises are the key to success and success is brimming with promises till one gets it and then it appears like a home from which the winged creature has flown. Happy Promise Day!

Promise Day Quotes

All I want is your promise to stay with me, to be mine. Sometimes it feels like you can’t possibly be real. Promise me you’ll stay. – Kiera Cass

“Just promise me you’ll think of me every time you look up in the sky and see a star. – Eminem

If all you can promise me is today, I’ll take it and hope for tomorrow. – Ellen Hopkins

The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep.– Robert Frost

I promise to love you forever – every single day of forever. – Stephenie Meyer

Relationship is an art. The dream that two people create is more difficult to master than one.
– Don Miguel Ruiz

It makes my heart sick when I remember all the good words and the broken promises.
– Chief Joseph

Promises are the uniquely human way of ordering the future, making it predictable and reliable to the extent that this is humanly possible.
– Hannah Arendt

Don’t be afraid to celebrate a promise when kept. In doing so, you’re embracing the potential for a better world.
– Unknown

Love is not a feeling of happiness, love is a willingness to sacrifice.
– Michael Novak

Hope is like a road in the country; there was never a road, but when many people walk on it, the road comes into existence.
– Lin Yutang

If you chase two rabbits, you will not catch either one.
– Russian Proverb

I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.
– Mohandas Gandhi

Talk doesn’t help someone out of poverty. That takes doing.
– Manoj Bhargava

Darkness cannot drive out darkness: Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: Only love can do that.
– Martin Luther King, Jr.

With lies you may get ahead in the world — but you can never go back
– Russian Proverb

Words can be twisted into any shape. Promises can be made to lull the heart and seduce the soul. In the final analysis, words mean nothing. They are labels we give things in an effort to wrap our puny little brains around their underlying natures, when ninety-nine percent of the time the totality of the reality is an entirely different beast. The wisest man is the silent one. Examine his actions. Judge him by them.

― Karen Marie Moning

I know it is a bad thing to break a promise, but I think now that it is a worse thing to let a promise break you.

― Jennifer Donnelly, A Northern Light

Promises are only as strong as the person who gives them …

― Stephen Richards

Promise Day 2023: Wishes

Thank you for always being besides me and never breaking any of your promises. I love you! Happy Promise Day

I promise that I will do everything in my power to make you happy and make this relationship work! Happy Promise Day, my love!

I promise to never let you go my love! Happy Promise

Promise Day Messages for Boyfriend

I Love You More than I ever thought I could, I promise to give you all that I have as long as I live. Happy Promise day to you dear.

I swear on anything that I will stand by you no matter what storm comes, no matter if the wind is rough, I will hold your hand and walk with you in all difficult times and joy. Happy promise day to you dear.

Love is an unconditional promise made by heart, which is silent, unwritten and unspoken. I promise you that I will love you all throughout my life and walk with you with your hand held tight. Happy promise day.

Love is a language spoken by heart, seen through eyes, and expressed through words. I promise to love you wholeheartedly and live with you all my life.

I Love You More than I ever thought I could, I promise to give you all that I have as long as I live. Happy Promise day to you dear.

Promise Day Messages for Girlfriend

 I promise that we won’t fall into boring routines and will keep our relationship fun and interesting.

 I will always love you and keep you happy my sweetheart. I want to be with you in every happy and sad moment. Happy promise day.

I will be a smile on your lips, the wind that plays with your hair, sparkle in your eyes and love in your heart. On this day I promise that I will be every reason for your happiness.

I dreamt of someone who will complete my life. When I opened my eyes I saw you walking into my life. I promise that I will fulfill all your dreams make every dream come true.

Promise Day Messages for Best Friend

Dear Friend, I cannot promise that everything will be perfect, but I will never leave you no matter what happens. Happy promise day

Dear friend, I cannot promise that I will solve all your problems, but I will standby you in every problem. Happy promise day 2022.

Dear friend, you will be a part of every happy moment and joy. You will be special in my life. Happy promise day

I must have been born on an auspicious day to find a friend like you. I will follow you till the end and be with you. Happy promise day.

Promise Day Messages for Husband

 I will love you with my heart and soul. I will never leave your hand no matter what happens. Happy promise day.

We will be together in good times and bad times. I will never leave your hand in joy and sorrow. I promise on this day that I will be yours forever.

I want to promise you that I will be yours, my heart will throb for you, my soul will be with you and love you forever. Happy promise day

Love me without fear, trust me without a question, I promise, I will be yours forever. Happy promise day.

Promise Day Messages for Wife

Thanks for giving me a reason to smile every day, thanks for giving me a reason to adore you, thanks for loving me all the year. I promise to return back everything you gave me.

 I Love without intentions, care for you without expectations, I promise you that you will be mine always. Happy Promise Day 2022!

Every time my heart beats, I will love you more and more, after years of togetherness, this is my sincere promise to you, my love! Happy Promise day 2022.

I can’t promise you the whole world, but I can make your life happy, I can’t promise a fairy tale love story, but I can give some good and sweet moments. Happy promise day dear wife.

 Love is the happiness of today and promise of tomorrow. On this promise day, I swear that I will love you forever all through my life.

As long as the sun shines bright, the stars twinkle in the night, I will be yours and only yours for ever. Happy promise day.

We met by luck, we spoke by chance, we love each other by destiny, but we will live together is my promise. Happy promise day.

This promise day, it’s a promise to you my love, that we will be together always and will love you forever. Happy promise day.

Promise Day Messages for Lover

 I will be your light of the lamp, I will be your reason to smile, will be a reason for the twinkle in your eye. I will love you always.

I will love you more and more with every moment passing by and as we grow old. Our love will remain fresh and pure even as we age.

True love always needs commitment and faith. I promise that I will never let you down or disappoint you.

You are as sweet as a rose but, cute as a kitten, bright as a star. You will always be special for me. I promise to love you forever.

Short Promise Day Quotes, Messages

Promises are very easy to make but very difficult to keep but when you have love in your heart, you always keep your promise.

Promises are not to be broken because breaking a promise is like breaking a heart. Happy Promise Day.

Those who are quick to make a promise are always quick to break it too. Make a promise when you really mean it.

Genuine promises are the key to Success and success is brimming with promise till one gets it and then it appears like a home from which the winged creature has flying. Happy Promise Day.

Speaking without Egos, loving without intentions, caring without expectations, I promise you that you will be mine always.

Promises are the guarantees of the true relation promises are similar to crying infants in a theater they ought to be done without a moment’s delay. Happy Promise Day

Thought to be nice, even to superstition, in keeping their promises, and therefore equally cautious in making them. Happy Promise Day!

 If you feel like crying, call me. I may not be a reason to wipe your tears, but will surely make you laugh.

I may not solve all your problems, but I promise that I will never let you face them alone.

We are meant to be together in all good and bad times. Let’s promise each other of togetherness.

You will never be left alone, you will never laugh alone. You will not wipe your tears yourself. I will be there with you in your joy, sadness and every moment. Happy Promise day.

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