Gas Boiler Ban : Majority of UK Adults Don’t Know When Gas Boilers Will Be Phased Out

According to a new survey, the majority of UK adults don’t know about the government’s plans to end the use of gas boilers in households by 2035.

Majority of UK Adults Don't Know When Gas Boilers Will Be Phased Out

The poll, carried out by Energy and Climate intelligence Unit (ECIU), also revealed that many people aren’t aware of the air pollution posed by gas boilers.

The poll of 2,000 adults found that only 3% of respondents knew that the government has set a target to phase out gas boilers in new build homes by 2025, and entirely by 2035. The vast majority of respondents (97%) either did not know when the phase out would begin, or thought it would happen sooner than 2035.

The poll also showed that almost two-thirds of people (67%) didn’t know that gas boilers were responsible for air pollution, even though they’re one of the biggest contributors to air pollution in cities.

These findings suggest that there is a lack of public understanding about the need to phase out gas boilers and switch to cleaner heating technologies. This lack of understanding could make it difficult for the government to achieve its net zero targets.

The government needs to do more to raise awareness about the need to phase out gas boilers and the benefits of switching to cleaner heating technologies. It also needs to put in place clear policies and incentives to support the transition to cleaner heating.

If the government does not take action to address these issues, it risks missing its net zero targets and leaving the UK reliant on volatile energy sources and high prices.

Here are some additional thoughts on the issue:

  • The government needs to provide clear and consistent messaging about the timeline for phasing out gas boilers.
  • The government needs to invest in research and development of cleaner heating technologies.
  • The government needs to provide financial support to help people switch to cleaner heating technologies.
  • The government needs to work with industry to ensure that there is a sufficient supply of cleaner heating technologies.

By taking these actions, the government will help the UK reach its net zero target and leave a better world for future generations.

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